Friday, July 16, 2010

I want to be where the people are

Last night I settled down with some dinner and some movie magic.

I put waaay too much Siracha on my salad though. I'm still getting the hang of it, but my mouth felt like it was on fire for like 20 minutes. No amount of water gulping helped. In the mix was:
4 c spinach
2 serving light tofu
1 tbsp light ranch
canned mushroom pieces
10 green olives
Dessert was then this cool concoction. 
1/2 c almond milk
1 spoonful of chocolate powder
handful of ice
1/2 a banana
5 frozen cherries
This morning's run was hard. I don't know why! I really hope it starts getting easier! Garmin speaks the truth. (sorry for the bad pic)
This morning I enjoyed some molten lava for breakfast! JK but the syrup really looked like lava to me, or tar. Kind of like in The Land Before Time. Great movie!
No LittleFoot No!

Snack was an Oroweat Sandwich thin with 2 tbsp of almond butter. I'm almost out of this stuff too, so maybe my snacks will start to look different.
Oh yeah and the patty again. My co-worker has these on her desk. Too good to pass up.
Lunch was some more lime cottage cheese goop and sandwich random. In the sandwich mix was:
sandwich thin
roasted red peppers
1/2 c egg whites
laughing cow cheese

Don't be jealous of the green.
When I got home from work it was snack time. A lonely tomato with some salt and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn.

Now I'm just waiting for my mom and sister to get back from Tahoe so we can hang out. Peace out cub-scout.
I know, I tried to rhyme though.

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